A Draw-&-Tell Tool
- Build rapport
- Enhance communication
- Establish capacity
- Scaffold narrative
- Record wishes and fears
- Describe experience
Backdrop is a multipurpose ‘Draw and Tell’ tool. The professional can choose from a range of available backgrounds, each of which suggests and structures a different collaborative task. The task can be broad or narrow in focus and may relate to specific domains in the child’s life. Alternatively, Backdrop can be used as a collaborative activity to enhancing general engagement and rapport.
Once a suitable backdrop has been selected, the child is encouraged to create a montage of images, text and drawing to communicate their thoughts, wishes, or feelings in response to the backdrop. The variety of virtual media means that children can focus on what they feel most comfortable with. They do not have to be worried about making a mistake, because any aspect of their picture can be moved, removed, or changed.
Backdrops can be easily saved or modified, or new backdrops added to those already available. Scans of existing printed material can be loaded as backdrops (as long as the format can be a landscape display) and even photographs of places or objects can be imported or taken with the built-in camera (iPad only).
Follow this link for a short video guide to making a backdrop.