Working with families

Intervention guide editor: Carol Jolliffe

This guide aims to promote resilience within the family despite potentially stressful and destabilising events. It supports practitioners to:-

  • promote healthy family functioning by developing their skills in setting up family meetings and facilitating positive parent–child communications
  • develop effective approaches to manage conflict and dysfunction in family life by learning to understand the origins of conflict arising within the family and between the family and agencies working with the family, and use solution-focused approaches to address conflict
  • develop support networking for families, to identify and promote informal and formal sources of support.

Purchase the guide

The guide can be purchased from Child and Family Training at a cost of £25.00 per copy plus postage and packing.

Please click here to buy now

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Cost for delivering a one day face to face course are:

  • Fees for a group of 12 trainees (including a copy of this guide per person) – £1,080.00 plus trainer's expenses + VAT.
  • Fees for a group of 24 trainees (including a copy of this guide per person) – £2,160.00 plus trainer's expenses + VAT.

Quotation from a trainee

"I have found it really helpful in identifying the wider support network that families have. It also helps families identify whom they can get practical and emotional support from. This is a great tool to use in any stage of social work intervention as it uses a strengths-based approach to enable families to identify their resilience factors."
ASYE Social Worker

If you wish to discuss any training courses or require further information please contact us.