- Introduction to HfCF Intervention Resources
- Engagement and goal setting
- Modifying abusive and neglectful parenting
- Promoting children and young people’s health, development and wellbeing
- Promoting attachment, attuned responsiveness and positive emotional relationships
- Promoting positive parenting
- Working with children and young people: Addressing emotional and traumatic responses
- Working with children and young people: Addressing disruptive behaviour
- Working with families
- Working with child sexual abuse
Promoting children and young people’s health, development and wellbeing
Intervention guide editors: Arnon Bentovim
This guide helps parents understand their children’s needs and stages of development, meet their safety and physical care needs, and promote their health, development and well-being. The modules support the practitioner to help parents:
- identify and understand children’s physical and emotional needs by understanding that the brain develops in response to experiences throughout childhood, adolescence and young adult life and that the quality of care is therefore of paramount importance in helping children achieve their potential
- promote early and late development, such as language, motor skills, vision and fine movements, social behaviour and play
- ensure safety and prevent harm by establishing safety precautions in the home and community after reviewing harmful events in the past, reviewing current risks of harm and how to address them
- provide good quality care by identifying obstacles to adequate care, and establishing collaborative goals and how to achieve them
- provide adequate nutritional care and manage weight faltering and failure to thrive
Purchase the guide
The guide can be purchased from Child and Family Training at a cost of £25.00 per copy plus postage and packing.
Download previews of the guide:
Cost for delivering a one day course are:
- Fees for a group of 12 trainees (including a copy of this guide per person) – £1,080.00 plus trainer's expenses + VAT.
- Fees for a group of 24 trainees (including a copy of this guide per person) – £2,160.00 plus trainer's expenses + VAT.
If you wish to discuss any training courses or require further information please contact us.