Introduction to Childhood Neglect

In 2013 the Department for Education (DfE) funded Child and Family Training to promote the use of DfE and other published resources on neglect including Childhood Neglect: Improving Outcomes for Children 2012. Further funding was made available the following year for the development of further materials on analysis and intervention. The 2-year project had three areas of activity:-  

  1. Dissemination of published materials to support the implementation of evidence-based practice through multi-agency training to enable practitioners in the children’s and relevant adults’ workforce, Local Authority (LA) areas and Local Safeguarding Children's Boards (LSCBs) to identify and respond to signs of neglect.
  2. Training in the use of evidence-based assessment and analysis across LA areas/LSCBs to support early intervention with children and young people at risk of harm from neglect and embed effective practice in protecting these children, and to make effective decisions and plans in cases where there is significant harm due to chronic neglect. 
  3. Development of the Hope for Children and Families intervention resources and an associated training programme.

A series of 16 Neglect courses were developed, these courses cover areas of:

  • Introduction to childhood neglect
  • Focus on children and young people
  • Focus on parents
  • Managing neglect


View Childhood Neglect: A Resource for Multi-agency Training.

Download information hand-outs for each of the 16 courses.

View Childhood Neglect: A resource for multi-agency trainers, training manual, and user guide to the DVD-ROM.

View video presentations from the Eradicating Childhood Neglect Conference, July 2013.

Course details

  • Duration: 1 day
  • Cost: The course is delivered to groups of staff and the cost is £950.00 (including training materials) for a group of 20 plus trainer’s expenses plus VAT

Further information regarding Neglect training can be found here.