Access the Resources for Multi-Agency Training
This resource has been developed to support trainers in delivering courses on safeguarding children and young people that focus on child neglect for single and multi-agency audiences.
As part of a two-year project funded by the Department for Education (DfE), we have drawn on the wide range of materials commissioned and published online by the DfE, Childhood Neglect: Improving outcomes for children, to design 16 courses for trainers to use or adapt to the needs of particular audiences. In addressing the knowledge, skills and values required by practitioners and managers when working with childhood neglect, much of the content is relevant not only to England but to other countries in the UK and beyond.
All the materials required to deliver the courses are included in the pack, which provides an interactive, accessible and user-friendly package of courses. You will find that if you open up the Trainers Manual PDF that it enables the trainers to bring up presentations; exercises; guidance notes; case studies, audio and video clips for the different courses.
Access the free resources on the Childhood Neglect: A resource for multi-agency training website.