Engagement and goal setting (including case-specific information record)

Intervention guide editors: Intervention guide editors: Arnon Bentovim, Jenny Gray, Phil Heasman and Stephen Pizzey

This guide introduces a seven-stage model of assessment, analysis, planning and reviewing interventions in child wellbeing and safeguarding contexts that underpins the HfCF Intervention Resources, as applied to the practitioner’s own case. It also provides guidance on discussing actions affecting children’s health and development to support the practitioner:

  • to gather relevant information about children’s needs, parenting capacities, family and environmental contexts; to describe and analyse the family’s strengths and difficulties; and to consider processes and impact on the child’s health and development without intervention
  • to engage children, parents and families, promoting hopefulness by acknowledging strengths and overcome difficulties; ensuring a child’s safety, establishing a team around the child; and by clarifying the concerns of the statutory protection agency, what could go wrong and how working with the practitioner could help
  • to establish collaborative goals by exploring the goals of the children and parents, and integrating them with those of the statutory protection agency and the practitioner who is responsible for working with the child and family to bring about the desired change

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The guide can be purchased from Child and Family Training at a cost of £25.00 per copy plus postage and packing.

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The intervention guides provide a basic intervention toolkit for practitioners. Child and Family Training offer related workshops and training sessions to enhance practitioners' use of the resources in carrying out their everyday roles and responsibilities.


Cost for delivering a one day course are:

  • Fees for a group of 12 trainees (including a copy of this guide per person) – £1,080.00 plus trainer's expenses + VAT.
  • Fees for a group of 24 trainees (including a copy of this guide per person) – £2,160.00 plus trainer's expenses + VAT.

If you wish to discuss any training courses or require further information please contact us.